
Showing posts from December, 2022

5 reasons why children should drink milk daily

5 reasons why children should drink milk daily Within the framework of the celebration of World School Milk Day, a date established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the aim of promoting the habit of consuming this food and celebrating its benefits in children. school programs, specialists warn about the need to continue promoting its consumption in schoolchildren in our country, not only at breakfast, but also as an excellent alternative within the school snack, due to its high contribution of vitamins and nutrients, which favor its development and growth. Cow milk in Chennai And it is that despite the efforts, Chile has not managed to recover the low consumption of dairy products that it has presented in recent years, which is well below the minimum recommended by national and international health organizations, such as the WHO. This was also demonstrated by the National Food Consumption Survey (ENCA), which indicates that in our country 33...

The benefits of cow's milk for children

  The benefits of cow's milk for children Doctors emphasize that both cow's milk and other dairy products constitute a complete and balanced food group for small Cow's milk was for decades one of the most valued products for children's nutrition. However, in recent years many voices have been raised to point out alleged risks and problems derived from its consumption. This article refers to the relationship between cow's milk and children, what are the benefits of its intake, what quantities are recommended for the different stages of development and whether its intake can be associated with different risks or difficulties. Cow milk in Chennai Cow's milk and children Cow 's milk provides numerous benefits to children. It is contraindicated during the first 12 months of life, but, after they are one year old, as reported by the Breastfeeding Committee of the Pediatrics (AEP), healthy children can drink cow's milk without any problem and in this wa...

Ghee, the superfood that replaces butter and takes care of our hearts

  Ghee, the superfood that replaces butter and takes care of our hearts This product is one of the most precious in Indian cuisine for its health benefits. It is lighter than butter and contains no protein or water. The most normal thing is that you have never heard of this product, but ghee is one of the most coveted foods in Indian cuisine. It is clarified butter, that is, it does not contain protein or water. It is considered a superfood for the benefits it brings to our health and we can use it as a substitute for traditional butter in our recipes. In addition, we can make it ourselves at home. Ghee in Chennai During its preparation, the milk solids (casein and lactose) are removed, so it can be left at room temperature for weeks without spoiling. This is another of the reasons why it has been used for thousands of years. Thus, it has a great role in countries with hot climates such as India, Iran or Pakistan. Properties and health benefits Ghee, also known as golde...
For a long time , a series of false myths about cow's milk have been spreading that have called into question this basic food of our diet. From the fact that mucus increases, harming people with respiratory problems, to the fact that it offers no benefit beyond childhood, to the fact that it causes obesity , diabetes and cardiovascular problems. However, endocrinologists and nutritionists seem to agree that it is a unique food that we should not banish, unless we are allergic or intolerant .            Fresh cow milk in chennai Both explain that it is a very complete food, rich in high-quality protein , which provides calcium , magnesium , fat-soluble vitamins and essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and that we can only provide through food. “These amino acids are key at a structural level, intervening in the synthesis of muscle tissue, skin, bones, formation of hemoglobin, antibodies and other molecules, for example, but also with functio...