For a long time , a series of false myths about cow's milk have been spreading that have called into question this basic food of our diet. From the fact that mucus increases, harming people with respiratory problems, to the fact that it offers no benefit beyond childhood, to the fact that it causes obesity , diabetes and cardiovascular problems.
However, endocrinologists and nutritionists seem to agree that it is a unique food that we should not banish, unless we are allergic or intolerant . 

Both explain that it is a very complete food, rich in high-quality protein , which provides calcium , magnesium , fat-soluble vitamins and essential amino acids that the body cannot synthesize and that we can only provide through food. “These amino acids are key at a structural level, intervening in the synthesis of muscle tissue, skin, bones, formation of hemoglobin, antibodies and other molecules, for example, but also with functional capacity at an immune, cardiovascular and digestive level, thanks to peptides bioactives”, indicates PĂ©rez.
, the enzyme that hydrolyzes lactose into gA different process depending on age
Despite how complete this food is, the truth is that it is not processed in the same way depending on the age of the consumer. This is due to concentrations of lactase lucose and galactose so that it can be absorbed by the intestine. This decreases progressively with age, to the point that it is common to find elderly people who have problems digesting lactose.Although, in general, older adults can consume it regularly without complications in their digestion. In fact, according to Civera, these lactase concentrations also depend on genetic and racial factors. “The populations of northern and western Europe and the nomads of North Africa are the ones that best maintain lactase levels in adulthood,” she points out.

                                                          Pure cow milk in chennai

Damages for the intolerant and allergic
Logically, milk becomes a prohibited food for those people who are going through a pathological process, such as gastroenteritis . Also for those who are allergic to their proteins or lactose intolerant. In allergy sufferers, usually infants and young children, it can cause dermatitis , hives , vomiting, colic, diarrhea , inadequate weight gain, respiratory problems, and anaphylaxis . In the intolerant, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
"The allergy usually appears in infants when they start consuming formulas with these proteins, but we must point out that a large part of affected children achieve tolerance as they get older, between 80% and 85% at 3 years of age. ”, says Civera. Both for them and for the intolerant, both specialists recommend opting for similar alternatives, such as lactose-free milk (only for the latter) or vegetable drinks , which can be soy , oat, rice or almond, for example.

                                                                         A2 milk in chennai

“In the case of choosing vegetable drinks, it is important to take into account the composition. You have to read what its ingredients are to verify that it is a quality drink, avoid those with added sugars and opt for those enriched in calcium and/or vitamins D and B12 to benefit from it”, adds the dietitian-nutritionist.
Alternatives for vegans
Another population group that usually looks for an alternative to cow's milk is that of vegans . According to the specialists consulted, there is no food that is nutritionally similar to this food, although the enriched soy drink is probably the closest thing. "It is important to know that it is a processed food that frequently contains added sugars in its composition, while milk is a raw material," Civera points out.

                                                                       Fresh cow milk in chennai

That is to say, although it has a similar proportion of proteins as cow's milk, these types of drinks have a lower biological value. "Its calcium content is very low, and virtually zero vitamin D. However, there are some on the market that are enriched in these two nutrients that could make it a similar alternative," adds the SEEN member.
When choosing a drink, the food from which it is made must be taken into account in order to know what the majority of the nutrient it will provide when consuming it wil


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