5 reasons why children should drink milk daily

5 reasons why children should drink milk daily

Within the framework of the celebration of World School Milk Day, a date established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the aim of promoting the habit of consuming this food and celebrating its benefits in children. school programs, specialists warn about the need to continue promoting its consumption in schoolchildren in our country, not only at breakfast, but also as an excellent alternative within the school snack, due to its high contribution of vitamins and nutrients, which favor its development and growth.

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And it is that despite the efforts, Chile has not managed to recover the low consumption of dairy products that it has presented in recent years, which is well below the minimum recommended by national and international health organizations, such as the WHO. This was also demonstrated by the National Food Consumption Survey (ENCA), which indicates that in our country 330 ml of dairy products are consumed per day, barely half of what is recommended by dietary guidelines.

In addition, according to a study by INTA and Tetra Pak, children and young people only cover 40% of their calcium needs, which can cause growth problems in the child and affect bone health in the future and favor motor disability.

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In children, a period characterized by accelerated growth and development, protein needs increase, so a high-quality protein source is needed, essential for the formation of muscles, bones and tissues, synthesis of hormones and enzymes, among other important functions. Hence, dairy products promote proper growth and development of children and adolescents.

Milk is the most important source of calcium in the diet, and the consumption of calcium in the recommended amounts is ultimately related to the formation of healthy and strong muscles and bones."

5 benefits of drinking milk in children

Milk is one of the most complete and healthy foods, and the ideal is for children to consume three glasses a day. Among its great benefits are:

1. Important source of nutrients

Milk is an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients that help the growth and development of children. Thus, a glass of milk (200 ml) provides: 30% of the recommended daily dose of Calcium, a nutrient that helps form and maintain strong bones and teeth. In addition, it plays a role in nerve function, muscle contraction, blood clotting and wound healing, and the maintenance of normal blood pressure; 11% of the recommended daily dose of Potassium, necessary for the tone and contraction of muscles and which also regulates the balance of body fluids, helping to maintain normal blood pressure; 20% of the daily dose of Phosphorus, a nutrient that helps strengthen bones and generates energy in the cells of the body; 16% of the recommended daily dose of Proteins, that build and repair muscle tissue, form the structure of our cells and are a source of energy in intense exercise; 16% of the daily dose of Vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of Calcium and increases mineralization and bone density; 10% of the required daily amount of Vitamin A, which helps regulate cell development, maintain the integrity of the immune system, good vision and healthy skin; 12% of Vitamin B12, which helps rebuild red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the muscles and the nerve impulse that travels through the neurons; 24% of the recommended daily dose of Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 and 10% of the dose of Niacin, the latter important for the normal functioning of many enzymes and is related to the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids.

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2. Avoid oral problems

Milk, along with proper dental care, can help protect against dental diseases, such as cavities and gum problems. Casein (a milk protein) reduces the adhesion of caries-causing bacteria to tooth surfaces, while other whey proteins such as lactoferrin and lysozyme, along with antibodies also found in milk, can promote oral health through its strong antibacterial activities.

3. Helps to hydrate

Milk contains electrolytes that help replace sodium lost through sweat and also, because it is made up largely of water, it helps to cool the body and maintain the balance between water and electrolytes.

4. Helps to sleep better

Milk contains a series of components that provide the body with nutrients, which help to quickly fall asleep, as well as ensuring that it is deep throughout the night. Part of its compounds such as water, proteins, minerals, amino acids, carbohydrates, in addition to being easily assimilated by the human organism, play an important role in sleep regulation.

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5. Helps strengthen bones

Its high calcium content allows the development and strengthening of bones in children, avoiding future diseases such as Osteopenia and Osteoporosis, ensuring their normal growth and resistance.


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