What is A2 milk and what are its supposed advantages?

A2 milk, whose presence has intensified in recent years, is touted as being easier for some people to digest. What is true about that? Milk and dairy products are foods of important nutritional quality. It is a food that, thanks to its healthy properties and its nutritional contribution, especially calcium, and used in a balanced way, helps our health. It is proved that A2 milk is a food of high nutritional value that maintains a good balance in terms of its macronutrients. It stands out in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, keys for bone and muscle mass; lactose, short and medium-chain fatty acids, triglycerides, and unsaponifiable lipids. It is also important as a source of vitamins for groups B, A, and D. But despite all these benefits, some people have trouble digesting milk, even lactose-free varieties. They may have been struck by a new product that promises to be easier to digest. This is A2 milk. Does it really help us? a2 milk in chennai Differences betw...