Cow Milk in Chennai – Astra Dairy Pvt. Ltd.

The first step to a better quality of life should be towards better nutrition, sounds simple and straightforward right? But do we offer ourselves better food? Of course, we do get all the things that are supposed to be good for us- synthetic, carbonated, industrialized, and market food that we consume to be a part of that lifestyle. Mr.Ravindran a successful textile manufacturer and exporter realized that the essence of life is the nutritious food on the table and not the decorative serving that surrounds it. This is what lead to the creation of Astra Diary delivering farm-fresh cow’s milk right to the consumer's doorstep. Our primary concern was to not lose any purity and freshness of our milk before we deliver it to the consumers. We achieved that by custom-designed patented glass bottles that retain the purity of cow's milk. At Astra Dairy, cow milk in chennai is 100% farm-fresh, pure, untouched, and healthy. It all starts with natural pasture grazed native breed c...